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Injury update after Antwerp - Club

Jupiler Pro League

Bruised and battered: that's how Club travelled home from Antwerp. Here's an update from the medical staff.

Maxim De Cuyper came down with a blow and was forced to be taken to hospital for further scrutiny. De Cuyper suffered a whiplash, and will most likely be ruled out for the next couple of games.

Hugo Vetlesen remained in the dressing room at half time. A scan shows he conceded a tear in the adductory, sidelining him for a number of weeks.

Finally, Philip Zinckernagel took a blow to the achilles heel, even ripping open the skin to reveal the tendon. Forunately the tendon itself took no damage. The deep flesh wound needs full healing before he can train again, and as it is in an unfortunate and hard to tend area, he will be out for three weeks.